Jun 8
Jun 8, 2024
Dates coming soon
Now in its 19th year, the 2022 NYLA Boys High School Summer Showcase is a must attend, recruiting tournament for student-athletes looking to be recruited by Division I, II, and III top tier collegiate coaches. The one day event offers teams a highly competitive tournament environment to showcase their skills and talents in front of collegiate coaches from all over the United States.
Don't have an IMLCARecruits account?
Have an IMLCARecruits account?
IMLCARecruits Pro subscriptions include the ability to access event film from partner recruiting events including:
IMLCA Players Summit
North East Fall Shootout
North East Showdown
NYLA High School Summer Showcase
XPO Girls California
Film purchased from a third party can also be easily uploaded or embedded onto the IMLCARecruits student-athlete profile.
Event game film provided through a Pro subscription can be:
Game film enabled via an IMLCARecruits Pro subscription is not available for direct download. Professional highlight reels built by our post-production team will be downloadable.
Game film enabled via IWLCARecruits paid plans is not available for direct download. If your Premium subscription ends, any film from this library will no longer be visible on your profile or in the highlight reels created with the Highlight Reel Creator. Clips used in professional highlight reels with remain and professional highlight reels can be downloaded.
If your IMLCARecruits Pro subscription ends, any film enabled in your account through Pro will no longer be visible on your profile or in the highlight reels created with the Highlight Reel Builder. Clips used by our post-production team to build your professional highlight reels will remain in your reel and professional highlight reels will be downloadable.
Film vendors will make every effort to ensure event film coverage and quality. However, mistakes are inevitable. In the event of missed games or quality issues that may occur, refunds for subscriptions will not be provided.
Please reach out to help@sportsrecruits.com if you have any questions about IMLCARecruits or event film access.